CSS’s Neighborhood Hygiene Station

The Reboot Station has closed for the winter and will reopen in early spring.

Community Supported Shelter’s hygiene station is grouped with a Microsite of six Conestoga Huts occupied by people all working toward a higher quality of life for themselves. Three of the seven residents are paid, part-time employees helping with showers and meals.

At this point, the ReBoot Station is open for three hours per day, three days a week and provides an average of 50 to 70 showers per week

  • Where: 1845 West 11th, Eugene
  • When: Wed, Th, Fri from 1pm to 4pm

Here’s how it all works in a nutshell:

Up to eight people wishing to use the shower wait under a 200-square foot canopy tent outside the hygiene station. There are eight chairs spaced roughly six feet apart. Four people are admitted into the station at a time.

After being admitted, a guest washes their hands and checks in. They can get hygiene supplies (razors, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste & brushes, etc.) or new underwear or socks to go along with getting clean.

While people wait at a tent inside the station for a shower (with four socially distanced chairs), they receive a warm nutritious meal and can go through the donated clothes.

Read more…


Mental Health Resources During COVID-19

Looking for our COVID-19 community resource page? We moved it over here.

As leaders on the frontlines of mental illness and substance abuse disorder treatment, we know how difficult it can be to cope with the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 amidst the loss of familiar resources. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

People with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms. The White Bird Crisis line will continue to be accessible 24/7 by phone at (541) 687-4000. For an in-person response, CAHOOTS continues to operate 24/7 at this time, if you are in Eugene please call (541) 682-5111, for those in Springfield please call (541) 726-3714.


Telehealth appointments are available for both new and returning Counseling and Chrysalis clients. Intake forms for new clients are now available online.

Online Support Groups

AA   NA   GA

7 Cups: www.7cups.com Free online text chat with a trained listener for emotional support and counseling. Also offers fee for-service online therapy with a licensed mental health professional. Service/website also offered in Spanish.

Emotions Anonymous: www.emotionsanonymous.org An international fellowship of people who desire to have a better sense of emotional well-being. EA members have in person and online weekly meetings available in more than 30 countries with 600 active groups worldwide. The EA is nonprofessional resource and cannot be a replacement to therapy.

Support Group Central: www.supportgroupscentral.com Offers virtual support groups on numerous mental health conditions – free or low-cost. Website also offered in Spanish.

The Tribe Wellness Community: www.support.therapytribe.com Free, online peer support groups which is tailored to members who are facing mental health challenges and/or difficult family dynamics. Support groups include Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, HIV/AIDS, LGBT, Marriage/Family, OCD and Teens.

For Like Minds: www.forlikeminds.com Online mental health support network that allows for individuals to connect with others who are living with or supporting someone with mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and stressful life events.

Guidebooks & Tip Sheets

The NAMI HelpLine Coronavirus Information and Resources Guide may be helpful if you have questions or concerns.

SAMHSA’s Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation tip sheet describes feelings and thoughts you may have during and after social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. It also suggests ways to care for your behavioral health during these experiences and provides resources for more help.


News about the coronavirus can increase feelings of anxiety. If you’re struggling, text Mental Heath First Aid to 741-741 to talk to a CrisisTextLine counselor.

Needle Exchange & Naloxone Finder

Needle Exchange

HIV Alliance has five locations and runs needle exchange sites 6 times a week in Lane County, including a new site at White Bird Medical on Wednesdays. The Needle Exchange program aims to protect public safety and community health by reducing the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C due to people sharing syringes. The program works to keep sterile syringes accessible so that those who inject drugs or hormones do not feel a need to share their syringes and risk becoming infected with HIV, HCV, or another blood-borne disease.

Eugene Office
1195 City View St., Eugene, OR 97402
Tuesdays from 1pm-3pm
Fridays from 1pm-5pm

499 W. 4th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401
Mondays from 6-7:30pm

White Bird Medical Clinic
1400 Mill St, Eugene, OR 97401
Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm

Highway 99
456 Hwy. 99 (Lindholm Center Parking Lot), Eugene, OR 97402
Thursdays from 9:45am-12pm

South 18th and A, Springfield, OR 97477
Thursdays from 6-7:30pm

HIV Alliance continues to do testing for HCV, HIV and other STIs four days a week at their office: Mondays from 3-7pm

  • Tuesdays from 5-7pm
  • Wednesdays NO TESTING
  • Thursdays from 5pm-8pm
  • Fridays from 1pm-5pm

Testing for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis: Call for times: 541-342-5088

Naxolone Finder

The Naloxone Finder is intended for people who use drugs to access naloxone in their community.

While many of the programs listed offer additional harm reduction supplies (e.g. syringes, safer smoking kits, drop-in centers), the Harm Reduction Coalition has vetted the programs for community-based naloxone that is free and intended for people who use drugs. They will update this map on a bi-monthly basis and have included space for programs to update their information regarding specific requirements or changes due to COVID-19.

New Health Plan Choices for OHP in Lane County

Did you get a “Pick Your Plan” letter from OHP?

download flyer

This means you have choices to make by November 17 about your health plan for 2020. Health care benefits are staying the same but Lane County has new health plan choices. White Bird Clinic’s Sharing Healthcare Options Program (SHOP) program is here to help at the locations and times below and by appointment. Contact 541-342-1295 for more information.


Catholic Community Services, 1464 W 6th Ave, 3rd Wednesday of the month, 9:00am – 11:00am

Eugene Public Library, 100 W 10th Ave, Friday 11-2pm

Eugene Service Station, 450 Hwy 99 N, every other Thursday, 10-12pm

Eugene Mission, 1542 W 1st Ave, Mondays, 8-10am

White Bird Clinic, 341 E 12th Ave, 10-4 pm, Tuesday-Wednesday


Catholic Community Services, 1025 G St – Springfield, Last Wednesday of the month, 9:00am – 11:00am

Department Of Human Services, 101 30th St, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 1-3pm

Learn More

Community Partners Help Everybody to Stay Warm

We are so thankful for our community partners, who have allowed us to reach far more donors for our annual Stay Warm Drive than we ever thought possible. We especially appreciate the Eugene Weekly for running our Stay Warm Drive ad every week since early December (way beyond what our budget could afford) and our social media followers, who have shared our message with their communities, reaching thousands online.

As a result, we were recently gifted a donation of winter coats, pants, and boots worth $50,000 from a large Northwest clothing manufacturer. In addition to sharing the wealth with our clients, we are also working with Egan Warming Center, St. Vincent de Paul, First Place and Women’s Space to make sure it reaches those with the greatest need.

Stephanie Rothman from KVAL stopped by to learn more last week. Read article…

Discounted Bike Rental for Oregon Trail Card Holders

Have you seen the PeaceHealth bikes around town? You can check them out for one-way trips across the city. Oregon Trail Card recipients qualify for a $20 a year reduced membership plan. The annual membership includes 60 minutes of ride time per day. Use your hour however you like, for a single trip or multiple short trips.

To signup to ride, visit PeaceHealth Rides Reduced Fare Plan. This is an income verified program by entering your 16 digit Oregon Trail SNAP card number. If you need more help signing up, call 541-214-2212 or email support@peacehealthrides.com.

Click here to Sign Up

More Info:


Year-round adaptive bike equipment is available for rent at Adaptive Recreation Services at Hilyard Community Center and can be requested here.

Getting help with groceries in your neighborhood

FOOD for Lane County would like to share some new neighborhood resource flyers and ask that you please distribute them widely. They are designed to help people know how to find free food in their local area. As always, once you distribute a resource guide it can become quickly out of date, so please let them know of any changes that you know so we can edit as necessary.

Download Flyer (English and Spanish)

Emergency Food Pantry Map

Pantries are open different days and times. Service hours vary around major holidays. For assistance, call FOOD for Lane County at 541-343-2822.  Por información en español, llame a FOOD for Lane County: 541-343-2822.

  • To be eligible to shop at a pantry, you must income qualify by earning 185% or less of the federal poverty level.
  • You do not need to show identification to receive emergency food. You will be asked to provide evidence of a physical address, if you have one. You will still be served if you do not have a physical address; no one is turned away
  • Please bring your own boxes or bags.
  • You may visit a pantry 18 times per year.