Free Oregon Birth Certificate for Persons Who Are Homeless

A birth certificate is an important legal document. It is needed to apply for other forms of identification (such as a driver’s license, Social Security card, or state ID card) that you need in order to:

  • Work
  • Get a place to live
  • Apply for and receive public assistance, and
  • Remove other barriers.

Starting July 1, 2018, individuals who are homeless can come to White Bird to get help ordering their Oregon birth certificate free of charge. We will

      • Help you complete the birth record order form
      • Give you information on what documents are needed
      • Provide you a check for payment

You will need to mail your order form, check, documentation, and completed application to Oregon Vital Records. Vital Records will mail your birth certificate to you in care of the address on the order form.

For more information, please contact NEST at 541-342-1295 or drop in Tuesday through Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm. Please check in first at 341 E 12th Ave.


Frequently asked questions:

Can I get my birth certificate for free if I was born in another state?

This program is for persons born in Oregon. Check with the state where you were born to see if they offer free birth certificates to persons who are homeless.

Do I have to provide proof of identity?

Yes. A list of acceptable proofs of identity is on the Oregon Vital Records website. If you don’t have acceptable proofs of identity, we will help you work with Oregon Vital Records to determine what information is needed to release your birth certificate.

Can I get free birth certificates for my family?

No. The grant program was established for individuals who are homeless to get their own birth certificate free of charge. This grant program does not provide funds to get family members’ birth certificates.

Where will my birth certificate be mailed?

Your birth certificate will be mailed to the address on your order form. The envelope will be addressed to you since it is your birth certificate.

Will I be able to use the birth certificate to get other documents such as an Oregon identification card or driver’s license?

Yes. A birth certificate is a legal document used to establish identity. It shows who you are, and when and where you were born. Your birth certificate is a legal document and is confidential. Be sure to keep it in a safe place.

For more information, please contact NEST at 541-342-1295 or drop in Tuesday through Thursday 9:30am to 12:30pm. Please check in first at 341 E 12th Ave.

CSS’s Neighborhood Hygiene Station

The Reboot Station has closed for the winter and will reopen in early spring.

Community Supported Shelter’s hygiene station is grouped with a Microsite of six Conestoga Huts occupied by people all working toward a higher quality of life for themselves. Three of the seven residents are paid, part-time employees helping with showers and meals.

At this point, the ReBoot Station is open for three hours per day, three days a week and provides an average of 50 to 70 showers per week

  • Where: 1845 West 11th, Eugene
  • When: Wed, Th, Fri from 1pm to 4pm

Here’s how it all works in a nutshell:

Up to eight people wishing to use the shower wait under a 200-square foot canopy tent outside the hygiene station. There are eight chairs spaced roughly six feet apart. Four people are admitted into the station at a time.

After being admitted, a guest washes their hands and checks in. They can get hygiene supplies (razors, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste & brushes, etc.) or new underwear or socks to go along with getting clean.

While people wait at a tent inside the station for a shower (with four socially distanced chairs), they receive a warm nutritious meal and can go through the donated clothes.

Read more…



Volunteer Fair at the Library

We’re tabling at a volunteer fair with a focus on addressing homelessness on Thursday, November 14, 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the Eugene Public Library. Come meet with us and our local nonprofit and government partners, find out about our services, and learn about volunteer opportunities and other ways to support this crucial work.

Also Attending:

Catholic Community Services of Lane County, Inc. (CCS), Centro Latino Americano, City of Eugene Government / Community Court, Egan Warming Center, Eugene Mission, FOOD For Lane County, Hosea Youth Services, Lane County Health & Human Services, Looking Glass, ShelterCare, SquareOne Villages, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, White Bird Clinic, Willamette Family Inc., and Womenspace.