This service is for people wanting to stop substance abuse and is also available for people without substance issues who want to use acupuncture for a wide range of medical issues. The treatment is provided by licensed acupuncturists in a group setting. It is available four days a week – Monday thru Thursday – on a walk-in basis; no appointment is necessary. Support, referral, and treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues are available on-site. Free for enrolled clients; $3-20 for community members.

Contact Information

Location: 350 E 11th Ave, Eugene OR 97401
Phone: 541-683-1641
Email: Click Here
Fax: 541-681-3294


Fees: $3-20 (sliding scale) for community members and free for enrolled Chrysalis clients
ADA Accessible: Yes
Appointment: No
Childcare: No
Eligibility: 18 & over


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday